The Porcelain Place

World Leaders in Porcelain Art Products

PO Box 1114
Arvada, CO, 80002 USA

Dry Porcelain Clay

Pro Clay. Dry porcelain clay in 7 colors

Hate when your porcelain clay dries out and you still have tons left to use up? Never again. This clay is dry but pre-tinted in several colors. Take out even a teaspoon, add a few drops of water, and kneed into a wonderful clay. If you are doing larger pieces and it cracks on you, you can add some of our stuff to make it more pliable.

Pro Clay comes in both half poung and full pound quantities and comes in seven colors, which include pastels as well as bright red and purple.

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PO Box 1114
Arvada CO 80002


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Sunday: Closed

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